Data Science Interview Preparation
Q1. What is SuperGlue?
SuperGlue is a Learning Feature Matching with Graph Neural Networks. Correspondences between
points in images are essential for estimating 3D structure and camera poses in geometric computer
vision(OpenCV) tasks such as SLAM(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) and SfM( Structurefrom-Motion). Such correspondences are generally estimated by matching local features, the process
called as data association. Broad viewpoint and lighting changes, occlusion, blur, and lack of texture are
factors that make 2D-to-2D data association particularly challenging.
In this paper, we present new way of thinking about feature matching problem. Instead of learning better
task-agnostic local features followed by simple matching heuristics and tricks, we propose to determine
the matching process from pre-existing local features using a novel neural architecture called SuperGlue.
In the context of SLAM, which typically decomposes the problem into the visual feature extraction frontend and the bundle adjustment or poses estimation back-end, our network lies directly in middle
– SuperGlue is a learnable middle-end (see in above Figure).
In this work, learning feature matching is viewed as finding partial assignment between two sets of local
feature. We revisit classical graph-based strategy of matching by solving the linear assignment problem,
which, when relaxed to the optimal transport problem, can be solved differentiably. The cost function of
this optimization is predicted by a GNN(Graph Neural Network). Inspired by success of the Transformer,
it uses self- (intra-image) and cross- (inter-image) attention to leveraging both spatial relationships of keypoints and their visual appearance. This formulation enforces assignment structure of the prediction
while enabling cost to learn complex priors, handling occlusion, and non-repeatable keypoints. Our
method is trained end-to-end from images pair – we learn priors for pose estimation from large annotated
dataset, enabling SuperGlue to reason about 3D scene and assignment. Our work can be applied to a
variety of multiple-view geometry problems that require high-quality features correspondences (see in
below Figure).
We show superiority of SuperGlue compared to both handcrafted matches and learned inlier classifiers.
When combined with SuperPoint, a deep front-end, SuperGlue advances the state-of-the-art on the tasks
of indoor and outdoor pose estimation and paves the way towards end-to-end deep SLAM.
Q2. What is MixNMatch?
It is a Multifactor Disentanglement and Encoding for Conditional Image Generation. Consider the real
image of the yellow bird in the above Fig, First column. What would a bird look like in a different
background, say that of a duck? How about in the different texture, perhaps that of the rainbow
textured bird in the second column? What if we wanted to keep its texture but changes its shape to that
of rainbow bird and background and pose to that of duck, as in the 3rd column? How about sampling
shape, pose, texture, and experience from 4 different reference images and combining them to create
entirely new image (last column).
While research in conditional image generation has made tremendous progress, no actual work can
simultaneously disentangle background, object pose, shape, and texture with minimal supervision, so
that these factors can be combined from multiple real images for fine-grained controllable image
generations. Learning disentangled representations with minimal supervision is the extremely
challenging problem since the underlying factors that give rise to the data are often highly correlated and
intertwined. Work that disentangles two such factors, by taking as input 2 reference images,e.g., one for
appearance and another for pose, do exist [huang-eccv2018, joo-cvpr18, lee-eccv18, lorenzcvpr2019, xiao-iccv2019], but they cannot disentangle other factor such as pose vs. shape or foreground
vs. background appearance. Since only two factors can be controlled, these approaches cannot arbitrarily
change,e.g., the object’s background, shape, and texture, while keeping its pose the same. Others require
intense supervision in the form of keypoint or pose or mask annotations [peng-iccv2017, Balakrishnancvpr2018, ma-cvpr2018, esser-cvpr2018], which limit their scalability and still fall short of disentangling
all of four factors outlined above.
Our proposed conditional generative model, MixNMatch, aim to fill this void. MixNMatch learns to
disentangle and encode background, object pose, shape, and texture latent factors from the real images,
and importantly, does so with minimal human supervision. This allows, e.g., each factor to be extracted
from a different actual image, and then combined for mix-and-match image generation; see in above fig.
During training, MixNMatch only requires a loose bounding box around the object to the model
background but requires no other supervision for modeling the object’s pose, shape, and texture.
Q3. FAN: Feature Adaptation Network
Figure: Visual results on four datasets. Vertically we show input in row first and our results in row third.
For LFW and SCface datasets, we show the ground truth and gallery images in second row, respectively.
For WIDER FACE and QMUL-SurFace datasets which do not have ground truth high-resolution images,
we compare with two state-of-the-art(SOTA) methods: Bulat et al. [bulatyang2018learn] and
FSRGAN [CT-FSRNet-2018] in row 2, respectively.
It is used for Surveillance Face Recognition and Normalization. Surveillance Face Recognition (FR) is
a challenge and a significant problem yet less studied. The performance on conventional benchmarks
such as LFW [LFWTech] and IJB-A have been greatly improved by state-of-the-art (SOTA) (Face
Recognition(FR) methods [wang2018cosface, wen2016discriminative, deng2019arcface], which still
suffer when applied to surveillance Face Recognition(FR). One intuitive approach is to perform Face
Super-Resolution (FSR) on surveillance face to enhance facial details. However, existing Face SuperResolution(FSR) methods are problematic to handle surveillance faces, because they usually ignore
the identity information and require to paired training data. Preserving identity information is more
crucial for surveillance of all face than recovering other information, e.g., background, Pose,
Illumination, Expression (PIE).
In this work, we study surveillance face recognition(FR) and normalization. Specifically, given the
surveillance face image, we aim to learn robust identity features for Face recognition(FR). Meanwhile,
the feature are used to generate a normalized face with enhanced facial details and neutral PIE. Our
normalization is performed mainly on the aspect of the resolution. While sharing same goal as traditional
SR, it differs in removing the pixel-to-pixelcorrespondence between original and super-resolved images,
as required by conventional SR. Therefore, we term it as face normalization. For same reason, we compare ours to FSR instead of prior normalization methods operating on pose or expression. To the
best of our knowledge, this is a first work to study surveillance face normalization.
We propose the novel Feature Adaptation Network(FAN) to jointly perform face recognition and
normalization, which has 3 advantages over conventional FSR. i) Our joint learning scheme can benefit
each other, while most FSR methods do not consider a recognition task. ii) Our framework enables
training with both paired and unpaired data while conventional SR methods only support paired
training. iii) Our approach simultaneously improves resolution and alleviates the background and PIE
from real surveillance faces while traditional methods only act on recommendation. Examples in below
Fig. One demonstrates the superiority of FAN over SOTA SR methods.
Our Feature Adaptation Network (FAN) consists of 2 stages. In first stage, we adopt disentangled features
learning to learns both identity and non-identity characteristics mainly from high-resolution(HR) images,
which are combined as input to the decoder for pixel-wise face recovering. In second stage, we propose
feature adaptation to facilitate the feature further learning from the low-resolution (LR) images by
approximating feature distribution between the low-resolution and high-resolution identity encoders.
There are two advantages to use Feature Adaption Network(FAN) for surveillance facialrecognition(FR) and normalization.
First, Feature Adaption Network (FAN) focuses on learning
disentangled identity features from Low-resolution(LR) images, which is better for facial recognition
(FR) than extracting features from super-resolved
faces [tran2017disentangled, zhang2018facesr, wu2016j]. 2nd, our adaptation is performed in
disentangled identity feature space, which enables training with unpaired data without pixel-to-pixel correspondences. As shown in the last fig., the synthetic paired data used in prior
works [CBN_ECCV16, CT-FSRNet2018, bulatyang2018learn, wu2016j, zhang2018facesr, DRRN, MemNet_ICCV17, rad2019srobb]can
not accurately reflect difference between real low-resolution(LR) and high-resolution(HR in-the-wild
faces, which is also observed in [cai2019toward].
Furthermore, to better handle surveillance faces with the unknown and diverse resolution, we propose
the Random Scale Augmentation (RSA) method that enables the network to learn all kinds of scales
during training. Prior FSR [CT-FSRNet-2018, CBN_ECCV16, URDGN_ECCV16] methods
either artificially generate the LR images from the HR ones by simple down-sampling, or learn the
degradation mapping via a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). However, their common drawback is
to learn reconstruction under fixed scales, which may greatly limit their applications to surveillance faces.
In contrast, our RSA efficiently alleviates the constraint on scale variation.
Q5. WSOD with PSNet and Box Regression
The object detection task is to find objects belonging to specified classes and their locations in images.
Benefiting from the rapid development of deep learning(DL) in recent years, the fully supervised object
detection task has made significant progress. However, fully supervised task requires instance-level
annotation for training, which costs lot of time and resources. Unlabeled or images labeled datasets
cannot be effectively used by fully supervised method. On another hand, image-level annotated datasets
are easy to generate and can even be automatically generated by web search engines. To effectively
utilize these readily available datasets, we focus on weakly-supervised object detection(WSOD) tasks.
The WSOD task only takes image-level annotations to train instance-level object detection network,
which is different from the fully supervised object detection task.
Fig.: Examples of PSNet outputs: (i) a dog without proposal occlusion, (ii) a dog whose head is occluded
by the proposal box, (iii) a dog that proposal covers part of the body, and (iv) proposal completely cover
the entire dog. If proposal does not completely include the whole dog, PSNet gives a high score. If
proposal ultimately consists of the whole dog, PSNet gives a low score.
There are 3 main methods for weakly supervised object detection: The first is to update detector and
pseudo labels from inaccurate pseudo labels iteratively; The second is to construct an end-to-end network
that can take image-level annotation as supervision to train this object detection network. The third twostage method is that taking an algorithm to optimize pseudo labels from other WSOD networks and
training a fully supervised object detection network. In addition, according to different modes of
proposing proposals, each of above methods can be divided into 2 classes: one is to propose proposals
based on feature map that predicts probability of each pixel belonging to each class, and then get the
possible instances and their locations in image; The second is detector-based method that uses the trained
detector to identify multiple proposals and determines whether each proposal belongs to a specific object
class or not. Comparing the effects of these methods, the end-to-end detector-based approach performs
well, and our work follows this series of process.
There are 3 main methods for weakly supervised object detection: The first is to update detector and
pseudo labels from inaccurate pseudo labels iteratively; The second is to construct an end-to-end network
that can take image-level annotation as supervision to train this object detection network. The third twostage method is that taking an algorithm to optimize pseudo labels from other WSOD networks and
training a fully supervised object detection network. In addition, according to different modes of
proposing proposals, each of above methods can be divided into 2 classes: one is to propose proposals
based on feature map that predicts probability of each pixel belonging to each class, and then get the
possible instances and their locations in image; The second is detector-based method that uses the trained
detector to identify multiple proposals and determines whether each proposal belongs to a specific object
class or not. Comparing the effects of these methods, the end-to-end detector-based approach performs
well, and our work follows this series of process.
To make full use of the context information of the proposal and avoid finding only the most
discriminative part, we design a new network structure that addsa box regression branch to the traditional
WSOD network. In the previous WSOD network, there is usually no box regression part, while this
branch plays an essential role in fully supervised object detection networks. The box regression network
can adjust position and scale of proposal, make it closer to the ground truth. In the fully supervised object
detection task, we can use the instance-level label as supervision to train box regression network; but in
WSOD task, network cannot obtain the instance-level annotation and thus cannot train this branch. To
obtain reliable instance annotation to train the regression network, we designed the proposal scoring
network named PSNet that can detect whether proposal completely covers the object. The PSNet is
specially trained multi-label classification network. Even if the object in the image is occluded or
incomplete, the PSNet can detect the presence of the object. The PSNet can be used to evaluate images
without proposal area. If the proposal completely covers whole object, rest of the image will not contain
information about it. We use PSNet to evaluate the output of the WSOD network, and then select
appropriate proposals as pseudo labels to train box regression network. Examples of the output of PSNet
are shown in the above Figure.
Q6. Autonomous Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Vehicle
Vehicles are being equipped with increasingly complex autonomous driving assistance systems (ADAS)
that take over parts of driving tasks previously performed by the human driver. There are several different
ADAS technologies in vehicles, starting from basics that have been in vehicles for several years, such as
automatic windscreen wipers and anti-lock braking systems. More advanced techniques are already on
the road today, where both the longitudinal (braking/accelerating, e.g.,adaptive cruise control) and lateral
(steering, e.g.,assisted lane-keeping) control of the vehicle is shifting to ADAS. Further enhanced levels
of automated driving functionality include autopilot (Tesla), intellisafe (Volvo), and Distronic plus
steering assist (Mercedes). Overall this fast pace of market penetration of ADAS in vehicles has not
allowed drivers to develop understanding of new systems over an extended period.
The most common taxonomy to capture the development of ADAS technology in cars are SAE’s levels
of automation sae. This approach is based on six levels of automation, ranging from no automation (level
0) to full automation (level 5). In particular, in levels 2/3, the automated system can take partial control
of vehicle, where level 2 expectations of the human driver are to monitor the system and intervene
appropriately, while the level 3 expectation of the human driver is to intervene appropriately upon a
request from the system. Today most ADAS technology equipped cars are at level 1, in which
progression to partial/semi-automation (level 2/3) with in-built ADAS technology in even lower-priced
car models is becoming more common. Also, level 2/3 automation will likely be reality for some time to
come, given that fuller automation (4/5) is emerging slowly without clear market deployment roadmap.
One of main challenges that arise in level 2/3 automation is transition of control from the ADAS to the
human driver, often referred to as the “handover problem.” This transition is, according to social factors
and safety research, a phase where human attention and reliability is critical, but where humans tend to
underperform in those respects son2017situation. E.g., research has indicated that automatic cruise
control technology leads to a reduction in mental workload and, thus, to problems with regaining control
of the vehicle in failure scenarios stanton1998vehicle. Additionally, a common misconception
concerning ADAS technology is that when more automation is introduced, human error will
disappear atlantic2015save, which may give rise to the problematic idea that driver training is not
necessarily needed. However, social factors research advises against not training for the use of new
sophisticated automation technology lee2006human; salas2006design; saetren2015effects, as humans in
the technology loop will still be needed for use, maintenance or design of the technology. It may even be
that increased automation increases the level of competence required for the driver, as the driver must
know both how to handle system manually, for instance, if the sensors in a car stop working due to bad
weather, in addition to knowing how to control and supervise the advanced automation technology.
In our previous work rismani2018qualitative, we performed a qualitative survey and found that the
handover problem is challenging, and it is unclear to drivers how this could best be handled securely.
Furthermore, drivers were worried about the implications of vehicle automation due to lack of knowledge
and experience of level 2/3 systems and seemed concerned about the kind of training and licensing that
accompanies these developments in vehicle automation. The lack of certainty around training and
licensing concerning emerging ADAS technologies is a relevant ethical concern, as it exposes a gap in
regulation and industry best practices that have not been the focus of much research to date.
This lack of certainty around driver training and licensing wrt level 2/3 automation systems underscores
the need to understand better the following research questions: (i) What are drivers’ awareness of ADAS
in their vehicles, (ii) How knowledgeable are drivers about ADAS in their vehicles, and (iii) How willing
are drivers to engage or use ADAS in their vehicles? Overall we expect to see people’s engagement or
use pattern of ADAS technologies in their vehicle correlate to their awareness and knowledge of those
Previous work has looked at driver perception of ADAS and vehicle automation, including understanding
learner drivers’ perspective of Blind Spot Detection(BSD) and Adaptive Cruise Control(ACC) systems.
That work found that driver’s awareness, use, and perceived safety of Blind Spot Detection(BSD) was
higher than that of ACC tsapi_introducing_2015, and contributed to a greater understanding of driver
preparation and acceptance of ADAS crump2016differing, and how drivers learn and prefer to learn
about ADAS, and what their expectations are regarding ADAS and vehicle
automation hoyos2018consumer.
To answer our research questions, we performed a quantitative public survey of issues specific to the
public’s awareness, knowledge, and use of ADAS technologies in level 2/3 automation. Also, based on
previous work tsapi_introducing_2015; crump2016differing; hoyos2018consumer, we analyzed gender
and age relationships as well as income and type of training with regards to our research questions above.
Q7. Robot Learning and Execution of Collaborative Manipulation Plans from YouTube Videos.
We focus on problem of learning collaborative action plans for robot. Our goal is to have robot “watch”
unconstrained videos on web, extract the action sequences shown in the videos and convert them to an
executable plan that it can perform either independently or as part of a human-robot or robot-robot team.
Learning from online videos is hard, particularly in collaborative settings: it requires recognizing the
actions executed, together with manipulated tools and objects. In many collaborative tasks, these actions
include handing objects over or holding object for the other person to manipulate. There is a very large
variation in how the actions are performed and collaborative actions may overlap spatially and
In our previous work [hejia_isrr19], we proposed a system for learning activities performed by two
humans collaborating at the cooking task. The system implements a collaborative action grammar built
upon action grammar initially proposed by Yang et al. [yang2015robot]. Qualitative analysis in 12 clips
showed that parsing these clips with grammar results in human-interpretable tree structures representing a variety of single and collaborative actions. The clips were manually segmented and were approximate
100 frames each.
In this paper, we generalize this work with a framework for generating single and collaborative action
trees from full-length YouTube videos lasting several minutes and concatenating the trees in an action
graph that is executable by one or more robotic arms.
The framework takes as input YouTube video showing collaborative tasks from start to end. We assumes
that objects in video are annotated with label and bounding boxes, e.g., by running the YOLOv3
algorithm. We also think a skill library that associates a detected action with skill-specific motion
primitives. We focus on cooking tasks because of the variety of manipulation actions and their
importance in-home service robotics.
In second fig. shows the components of proposed framework. We rely on insight that hands are main
driving force of manipulation actions. We detect the human hands in the video and use the hand
trajectories to split the video into clips. We then associate objects and hands spatially and temporally to
recognize the actions and generate human-interpretable robot commands. Finally, we propose an opensourced platform for creating and executing an action graph. We provide a quantitative analysis of
performance in two YouTube videos of 13401 frames in total and a demonstration in the simulation of
robots learning and performing the actions of the third video of 2421 frames correctly.
While the extracted action sequences are executed in the open-loop manner and thus do not withstand
real-world failures or disturbances, we find that this work brings us the step closer to having robots
generate and execute variety of semantically meaningful plans from watching videos online.
Q8. JEC-QA: A Legal-Domain Question Answering Dataset
Legal Question Answering (LQA) aims to provide explanations, advice, or solutions for legal issues. A
qualified LQA system can not only demonstrates a professional consulting service for unskilled humans
but also help professionals to improve work efficiency and analyze real cases more accurately, which
makes LQA an important NLP application in the legal domain. Recently, many researchers attempt to
build LQA systems with machine learning techniques and neural networks. Despite these efforts in
employing advanced NLP models, LQA is still confronted with the following two significantchallenges.
The first is that there is less qualified LQA dataset, which limits the research. The second is that the cases
and questions in the legal domain are very complex and rigorous. As shown in Table 1, most problems
in LQA can be divided into two typical types: the knowledge-driven questions (KD-questions) and caseanalysis questions (CA-questions). KD-questions focus on the understanding of specific legal concepts,
while CA-questions concentrate more on the analysis of real cases. Both types of questions require
sophisticated reasoning ability and text comprehension ability, which makes LQA a hard task in NLP.
To get a better understanding of these reasoning abilities, we show a question of JEC-QA in
Fig. 1describing a criminal behavior that results in two crimes. The models must understand
“Motivational Concurrence” to reason out further evidence rather than lexical-level semantic matching.
Moreover, the models must have the ability of multi-paragraph reading and multi-hop reasoning to
combine the direct evidence and the additionalevidence to answer the question, while numerical analysis
is also necessary for comparing which crime is more dangerous. We can see that answering one question
will need multiple reasoning abilities in both retrieving and answering, makes JEC-QA a challenging
To investigate the challenges and characteristics of LQA, we design a unified OpenQA framework and
implement seven representative neural methods of reading comprehension. By evaluating the performance of these methods on JEC-QA, we show that even the best approach can only achieve
about 25% and 29% on KD-questions and CA-questions, respectively, while skilled humans and
unskilled humans can reach 81% and 64% accuracies on JEC-QA. The experimental results show that
existing OpenQA methods suffer from the inability of complex reasoning on JEC-QA as they cannot
well understand legal concepts and handle multi-hop logic.
Q9. SpoC: Spoofing Camera Fingerprints
Figure 1: SpoC learns to spoof camera fingerprints. It can be used to insert camera traces to a generated
image. Experiments show that we can fool state-of-the-art camera-model identifiers that were not seen
during training.
Figure 2: A digital image of a scene contains camera-related traces of the image formation process that
could act as a fingerprint of a camera model. The used lenses and filters, the sensor,and the manufacturerspecific digital processing pipelines result in unique patterns. These patterns can be used to identify
camera models.
There have been astonishing advances in synthetic media generation in the last few years, thanks to deep
learning, and in particular to Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). This technology-enabled a significant improvement in the level of realism of generated data, increasing both resolution and quality.
Nowadays, powerful methods exist for creating an image from scratch, and for changing its style or only
some specific attributes. These methods are beneficial, especially on faces, and allow one to change the
expression of a person easily or to modify its identity through face-swapping. This manipulated visual
content can be used to build more effective fake news. It has been estimated that the average number of
reposts for a report containing an image is 11 times larger than for those without images. This raises
serious concerns about the trustworthiness of digital content, as testified by the growing attention to the
profound fake phenomenon.
The research community has responded to this threat by developing several forensic detectors. Some of
them exploit high-level artifacts, like asymmetries in the color of the eyes, or anomalies arising from an
imprecise estimation of the underlying geometry. However, technology improves so fast that these visual
artifacts will soon disappear. Other approaches rely on the fact that any acquisition device leaves
distinctive traces on each captured image, because of its hardware, or its signal processing suite. They
allow associating a media with its acquisition device at various levels, from the type of source (camera,
scanner, etc.), to its brand/model (e.g., iPhone6 vs. iPhone7), to the individual device. A primary impulse
to this field has been given by the seminal work of Lukàs et al., where it has been shown that reliable
device identification is possible based on the camera photo-response non-uniformity (PRNU) pattern.
This pattern is due to tiny imperfections in the silicon wafer used to manufacture the imaging sensor and
can be considered as a type of device fingerprint.
Beyond extracting fingerprints that contain device-related traces, it is also possible to recover camera
model fingerprints. These are related to the internal digital acquisition pipeline, including operations like
demosaicing, color balancing, and compression, whose details differ according to the brand and specific
model of the camera (See Fig.2). Such differences help attribute images to their source camera, but can
also be used to highlight better anomalies caused by image manipulations. The absence of such traces,
or their modification, is a strong clue that the image is synthetic or has been manipulated in some way.
Detection algorithms, however, must confront with the capacity of an adversary to fool them. This applies
to any classifier and is also very well known in forensics, where many counter-forensics methods have
been proposed in the literature. Indeed, forensics and counter-forensics go hand in hand, a competition
that contributes to improving the level of digital integrity over time.
In this work, we propose a method to synthesize traces of cameras using a generative approach that is
agnostic to the detector (i.e., not just targeted adversarial noise). We achieve this by training a conditional
generator to jointly fool an adversarial discriminator network as well as a camera embedding network.
To this end, the proposed method injects the distinctive traces of a target camera model in synthetic
images, while reducing the first generation traces themselves, leading all tested classifiers to attribute
such images to the target camera (’targeted attack’).