Given an array arr[] of integers. Find a peak element i.e. an element that is not smaller than its neighbors.


 Given an array arr[] of integers. Find a peak element i.e. an element that is not smaller than its neighbors.

Cpp Program Code:

Python Program Code:-

In this code, we first check for the cases where the array has a length of 1, or where the first or last element might be a peak element. Then, we use a binary search algorithm to find the peak element. We start by setting the left and right pointers to the second and second-to-last elements of the array, respectively. We then repeatedly calculate the midpoint of the subarray defined by the left and right pointers, and check if the midpoint is a peak element. If it is, we return it. If not, we move the left or right pointer to the subarray that might contain the peak element and repeat the process. Finally, if we reach the end of the search without finding a peak element, we return -1.

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